Saturday, May 31, 2008

One Down, One To Go

Lorelai is now a bonafide high school graduate. The ceremony was sweet and filled with special moments, especially as opposed to Legare's high school graduation four years ago where we had to deal with the hot sun, air horns and loud rude people who thought they were at some kind of sporting event rather than a graduation ceremony. Lor's was held in a local church sanctuary, and while the multi-pierced guy sitting right in front of me was sporting a lovely Coors t-shirt and a woman three rows in front of us looked curiously like Baby Jane (I'm not kidding...the hair was a shade or two darker but the make-up was spot on!), those minor details can be put aside because everything was just so well-organized...and I didn't cry a single tear. Hank's aunts brought his mother, and our good best oldest pal Scott arrived from out-of-town to share our joy. Our friend Ann played the piano and her better half Tom rounded out the crowd sitting on our designated pew....and let me say, WE all looked MARVELOUS!

The after party was wonderful. Lor's table, the one that we got to decorate...each one of the families hosting the party decorated a table for their graduate...was cute as could be and there was dancing and food and we rolled in our backdoor about half past midnight. Nothing would do but for Lor to open all of the graduation gifts she received at the party and in her words, it was "better than Christmas" and monogram heaven to boot. The girl gets it honest from me....we LOVE anything with our monogram on it and our friends did not disappoint.
Lorelai was belle of the ball last night. I couldn't help but take notice of the grand time that all of the teenagers had dancing and singing and talking. And they did it without a drop of alcohol, or drugs... not a single word of profanity...everybody was appropriately dressed (i.e. nobody was half naked). I only saw one couple dance inappropriately for a very brief moment and they were not "our kids." A couple of photographs of Lor and Hank having fun dancing our state dance, the shag, to one of our favorite tunes, Carolina Girls, Best in the World! The other is of Lor on her tippy toes dancing with her friend J.R., the gentleman from prom number one.
Off now to Legare's big day, after which we'll be heading out on Lor's senior cruise for a few days.
Look for a big update in about a week.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Things We Want Our Children to Know

It's graduation eve for Lorelai and, well, I guess graduation eve EVE for Legare. It's kind of funny....Hank and I have discussed this on numerous occasions and always come to the same conclusion. It doesn't matter what we've accomplished in our lives...there isn't a single thing that either of us can think of that we've ever done that makes us feel as proud as our children make us feel.

Dear Legare and Lorelai...

Your graduations are momentous occasions and you cannot imagine how much daddy and I love you or how proud we are of the young man and young woman that you've become. You are going to accomplish great things in this world. Never, under any circumstances compromise your character or integrity. Be generous and honorable...always have a church home...exhibit kindness and humility but never ever sell yourself short. Always remember that someone is watching and modeling themselves after your example. Listen more than you talk (other people are smart too!). Pray everyday and always give more than you receive. You are a treasures and God certainly did bless our lives when He gave us our precious Legare and Lorelai.

Love, Mama

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sometimes a Steel Magnolia Just Has to Have Moment

This is a big week at our house. As you know, both of our children graduate this week. Lorelai from high school and Legare from college. Hank and I are so proud and I've been giving him a hard time about not shedding any tears, especially at Lorelai's ceremony. (To state that our little girl has her daddy wrapped around her little finger is a gross understatement.) I keep saying to the other mothers...."Oh...we've been through this before. It's no big deal. Tears? No tears siree. We're READY for the empty nest. The kids are ready to move to the next leg of their life journeys. Aren't we proud as punch at the confident young adults that they've become? TEARS??? NO TEARS HERE...NOOOOOOO SIREEEEEEEEE. We're READY for the empty nest....." and on and on I go as I start talking faster and faster and the pitch of my voice gets higher and higher. Truth be told, it's probably a right pitiful site to witness. I might fool acquaintances, but I suspect that I'm not fooling Hank AT ALL, nor our closer friends along with some of the people I work with day in and day out. They humor me along, giving each other a wink and a nod, I'm sure, as they walk away. Only really good friends and people who love you will allow you to live in denial without giving you grief about it.

We attended Lor's Baccalaureate ceremony this afternoon and I blinked away tears as she and her friends marched into the sanctuary. I blinked away tears as she led the congregation in the Call to Worship. I blinked away tears and sang "He Leadeth Me" much too loudly. (actually, the loud singing was more of a "belle" was like the people had NEVER heard the song before, for pete's sake!!! It was pitiful!!) The preacher said all of the right things..."be people of faith, get enough sleep, and know that we are all proud of you and your accomplishments." Hank and I didn't look at each other as we watched Lorelai walk back down the aisle into the afternoon sunshine. I smiled...I imagine that Hank smiled. Lor was definitely smiling since being the center of attention is a character trait of a "petite belle." Everything is going to be just fine. We've done this before. We're ready for the empty nest. (I'm not going to make any promises about the tears...)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Graduation Speaker...Dubya???

Legare graduates from college in a couple of weeks with a double major in Political Science and English. As a matter of fact, his graduation from a prestigious university that we fondly refer to as "the country club of the South" is a mere 24 hours after Lorelai's high school graduation and 200 miles away to boot. In August, Lor will be headed up the road a ways to Clemson and Legare is moving the other direction to his own new found promised land to attend law school at University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. No small accomplishment for either of them to land in their first choice schools....Legare for the second time, having also aimed high when he applied for undergrad.

Lor's commencement will be on the small side while the one up at the club will be a bit more involved....mainly because our state governor, also a graduate of the country club of the South and much to our dismay, a Liberterian-esque Republican who is in his second and thankfully last term (he is NO friend of public siree), made arrangements for George W. Bush to give the commencement address. While I have all the respect in the world for the Office of the President of the United States....well...let's just say I side with those who are dissatisfied with a few things up in Washington, DC, our nation's capital. Legare, a yellow dog Democrat, and his friends hope to hang a banner at the main gate of the campus to declare "Class of 2008....MISSION ACCOMPLISHED." Hank and I will be there and we will be proud of our son's accomplishments. Joined by Lorelai, we'll honor him and his friends and be very very happy but we won't enjoy the speaker.

On the other hand, perhaps it won't be so's possible that I misunderestimate the situation. Ya think??