My immediate response was, "Now what in this WORLD would make you think that I am overwhelmed???" To which he replied, "It's in your eyes...I know the look...I've looked that way MANY times myself.
Hank apparently told our friend Ted that, "It's starting to get to her." Ted apparently agreed.
What is WRONG with them? Belles do NOT get overwhelmed. Belles always have everything under very tight control.
For pete's sake, I am a ESTJ on the Myers-Briggs Personality Test...
I am a LION...
I am a FOX (not to be confused with foxy, which I may ALSO be if I might say so myself).
I AM WOMAN....HEAR ME ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't just do my best...I do WHATEVER IT TAKES.
When I walked in the back gate last night Hank asked, "So, do you feel caught up?" (That might very well be the stupidest question anybody ever asked me and if I recall correctly, I told him so.) ROAR ROAR.
Good eye is starting to TWITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK...maybe Belles do get a little overwhelmed......
I know...I can't believe it either...