Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring Break- Day 2.5

Day.5- Trying not to cry tears of sheer unadulterated JOY at having a few days away from work.
Day 1.5- Getting things arranged for house/dog sitter and moving to the summer house. A little shopping a little eating...a little boat riding.  JOY JOY JOY  Beautiful weather...
Day 2.5- More boat riding, a bit of cooking, waiting on Sue and Louis to arrive.

Would love to show you some photos but to say that the house is low tech is quite an understatement. My mobile broadband isn't even cooperating well.

The is quiet and peaceful.  I've got a stack of unread magazines and catalogs a foot high, not to mention a needlepoint project I've done about one square inch on in 6 weeks. Hank is on the dock reading. We're being quiet...and calm...and moving at a very slow pace.  It's nice. It's better than nice.  Except for the no-see-ums. Nasty little creatures. Hank just walked in and remarked, "those critters have teeth!"

Wishing you a happy weekend less the no-see-ums.


  1. It sounds delightful.
    I am envious!
    Have a wonderful, relaxing time.

  2. Oh!! Enjoy!! And the weather is perfect! (I could use some of that "quiet"!!)


  3. Enjoy! I'm so jealous...our spring break is not until April 25...11 weeks with NO break, thanks to the Jan. snow...I feel a 'mental day' coming soon ;)

  4. Well deserved! I hope it was a fabulous week for you!

  5. Sounds wonderful. Can't wait to see your finished needlepoint.

  6. Hi sweet friend!

    We've been at our time share in Palm Desert for two weeks, so I haven't been on the computer much at all...very unlike me! We're actually in LA tonight and will fly home early tomorrow morning.

    I'm letting George watch sports on tv so I can catch up on my blog reading! LOL I've had fun catching up with you this afternoon. LOVED seeing your photos!



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