Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Blissful Escape
I'm puttering around the house, watching some television (the DVR was at 97% capacity), going through some of the things we've brought from mother's house...nothing brain draining AT ALL!
OH...Ned's first new housemate moved in last week. His name is Scott and so far, so good, thank the GOOD Lord!! Scott isn't as verbal as Ned, but Miss Vernelle (the housemother, sort of) reports that they are getting along very well. Mr. Herman took them to the Watermelon Festival back in our hometown on Saturday and I think Ned might have gotten a little homesick, but he wanted to go worse than ANYTHING. I'll have to ride over there one afternoon later this week to check things out for myself...maybe take Ned and mother up to Columbia to do a little clothes shopping. I've taken her 14 pairs of shoes to try and NONE have suited.
BIG NEWS...Clemson approved Lorelai's change of major request, so she is now officially an Early Childhood Education major. I'm so proud of her!! She is going to be a wonderful teacher and/or guidance counselor. That's my girl!!
Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia- A Life in Poems

In her own words....
Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia- A Life in Poems
My book Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia is a true celebration of the south and things southern. Using childhood memories, personal thoughts and dreams, I attempt to give a positive glimpse into the southern way of life. There are so many negative connotations associated with Mississippi and the south in general. I want to show a flip side of the coin.There is much to love about this much maligned and misunderstood part of our country. I would really love for you to get to KNOW Mississippi in a different light and I want to introduce you. I invite you to Meet Mississippi Through Poetry, Prose and the written word in my "little book of southern poems."
Here is just a little taste of what is in the book...
If you want a glimpse of Southern life,
Come close and walk with me;
I'll tell you all the simple things,
That you are sure to see.
You'll see mockingbirds and bumblebees,
Magnolia blossoms and dogwood trees;
Caterpillars on the step,
Wooden porches cleanly swept
Watermelons on the vine,
Strong majestic Georgia pines
Turnip greens and.hot cornbread,
Coleslaw and barbecue
Fried okra, fried corn,fried green tomatoes
Fried pies and pickles too
There's ice cold tea that 's syrupy sweet
And cool, green grass beneath your feet
Catfish nipping in the lake
And fresh young boys on the make.
You'll see all these things
And much, much more In a way of life, that I adore.
Copyright 2008 Patricia Neely-Dorsey
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Another Rowdy Girls Weekend...

Friday, June 26, 2009
Why Can't We Get Lorelai To Work Like This At Home???

Lor is second from the left on the front row in the photo below. Look how dirty her knees are!!

She's our little sweetie pie!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Merciful Heavens Mark Sanford...

QUIT CRYING, you big baby.
Put your family first, man...RESIGN, be a strong example for your boys and go heal your marriage, if indeed that is possible.
Monday, June 22, 2009
A Review: High Cotton

Friday, June 19, 2009
Calling for some bloggy wisdom...
Since I now have something like 60 dinner plates and rarely (LOL) have 60 people over for dinner, I want to put my grandmother's monogram on one of her plates, mother's on one of hers, and mine on one of mine, then display the three together. Good idea, don't you think??
Here is the problem. I consulted with the art coordinator at work and she says that she doesn't think finding someone to paint the monograms on will work...she thinks that the paint will peel off if the plates aren't "fired" or something like that, after being painted.
Anybody out there have any ideas or expertise in this area?
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Dining in the Land of Belle
Miss Bertie and Lynn accommodate my quirkiness beautifully…when I wanted a bigger cheeseburger than the regular cheeseburger but didn’t like the shape of the bun on the “hungryman” (it was oblong and that just ain't right) they came up with a special creation on a round bun just for me….a belleburger, if you will. Then when I switched to the smothered chicken because I wasn’t going to eat bread OR french-fries anymore, they fixed smothered chicken even if it WASN’T on the menu…just for me and my work/lunch friend Ed.

Let's discuss the Boston Cream Pie…let me tell you…the Boston Cream Pie is a masterpiece. Miss Bertie makes every dessert from scratch with an extra dash of love mixed in for good measure. I can usually be strong and walk away…EXCEPT on Boston Cream Pie day. The photo doesn't do Bertie's justice....hers is covered all the way around with a thick chocolate frosting!!
For you to FULLY understand the special relationship we have with Henry's, I can't end my post without telling you about what we all fondly refer to as The Birthday Boston Cream Pie Debacle of 2008. Last year on my birthday, naturally, I chose Henry’s for lunch. A belleburger, fries, Pepsi, and Boston Cream Pie. There was a whole pie in the dessert case when we got there and I immediately asked Wanda to save me a piece. She looked at me all pitiful-like and informed me that the people in the front booth had just bought the whole thing.
By that time everybody in the restaurant was focused on our little brouhaha. The man in the booth glanced my way and said offhandedly, “Hap.py.birth.day.” I was stunned at such ungentlemanly conduct. STUNNED, I tell you. One table over, the preacher leaned toward the deacon and said, “Ohhhhh NO!…now he’s gone and made her MAD!” There was not a sound in the place and all eyes were on me.
I hope you have the equivalent of a Henry’s in your town. If not, come on over and visit us here in the Land of Belle. Just make sure it's a pie day!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Did You Miss Me?????
I've missed you AND have 856 posts waiting for me to read in Google Reader. I've got a great new post almost ready for you about my favorite hole in the wall restaurant here in the Land of Belle...hopefully you'll see it tomorrow.
We have BIG news about my brother Ned that is going to require lots of good thoughts from all of my friends. Ned has been the only resident in his group home since March. THREE new men are moving in by the end of June. This is going to be a big adjustment for Ned as he has been King of the Hill and has the staff wrapped around his little finger. I guess it will be an adjustment for them too!
Hank and Lorelai are fine. Legare will be coming home tomorrow for Father's Day weekend.
More soon!!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Joyful Laughter
Lorelai and four of her friends are in our family room eating veggie pizza, drinking diet coke and having a glorious time. I'm chuckling just because they're laughing with such JOY. Just now they're discussing every boy that EVER did any ONE of them wrong and the laughter has turned joyfully WICKED.
I'm all of a sudden recalling once when Hank and I had a little falling out LONG before we were dating exclusively. I was probably 18 and he was 21 or so. My best friend Karen called him and let him have it...NOBODY treated HER best friend like THAT was her message and he got it loud and clear. Being the fast learner that he is, he never made THAT mistake again.
SO...BOYS...Tom, Dick, Harry...hear this! Don't mess with this group of petite belles. You'll be taking on a fight you can't win.
Monday, June 8, 2009
I Get My Best Material at Bi Lo

Truly, I get good blog material when I go to Bi Lo. I went in yesterday afternoon with my reusable shopping bags. (If you didn't see the post about the Cooper River Bridge Run debacle, click here.) I put the bags on the conveyor belt first and then the groceries. When I walked to the keypad with my debit card, I noticed that the young man bagging had placed my shopping bags in a plastic bag and was also putting the groceries in plastic bags. I said, No no NO, I'm not buying these reusable bags, I brought them from home to carry my groceries.
OK, he said...I'm sorry...I didn't know. I took the reusables out of the plastic and set them down by the groceries. While I was making sure that the checker had not charged me for the bags, he CONTINUED putting my groceries in plastic bags. Do you think, I suggested, that you could put the groceries IN the reusable bags?
OH, sure, he replied...I'm sorry. I don't usually bag groceries.
SO...I stood there and watched him continue to put my groceries in the plastic bags THEN put the plastic bags inside my reusable bags. I was too tired to offer any further direction.
When I got in the car, I called Legare. Son, I said, this is what happens when the brightest and best kids in town go away to school and never come back.
Bless the bag boy's sweet heart!!Image from greenbagamerica.com
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Random Fun
We did a little shopping today. I talked Hank into going downtown with me and we had a fabulous lunch at Virginia's on King. The Tomato Pie was slap your grandmama delicious. I'm thinking that Virginia's might quickly become one of our new favorites.
After shopping at M Dumas and Sons for some shoes for Hank and Pottery Barn for some drapes for our living and dining rooms, we lugged a suitcase down to Mori in Charleston Place. Hank and I borrowed Legare's large Hartmann when we went to Washington in April and wouldn't you know, US Air RIPPED the handle right off. They weren't even sorry either...not one little bit. Anyhow, they're sending it off to be fixed...I hope we get it back sometime this year.
To top off the afternoon, we headed over to Mt. Pleasant to my favorite store, Gwynn's of Mt. Pleasant. You'll find the link over on my sidebar. Lorelai, who had been at Folly Beach all day, naturally found time to meet me for some shopping. She updated her "look" with some new Laura Mercier and got a FABULOUS pair of Tory Burch Miller Thongs in Poppy Coral. Here's a photo, but in black. The best news is that they were 50% off, today only.

Today is Mother's 81st birthday. We'll go over tomorrow morning and pick up her and Ned for lunch at the farm. They love spaghetti, made with my grandmother's recipe, so I have a pot of sauce simmering on the stove now. I sent this gorgous flower arrangement yesterday afternoon from all of us.
That reminds me...I need to call Legare and remind HIM to call her. Gotta go...
Friday, June 5, 2009
I'm SERIOUS...leave a comment and let's see how many AMENs we get!
I came home early from work to get ready for company. I invited our department over for some FUN since we aren't having much of that at the office just now.
I don't know if they'll let me take photos of them but we'll see.
The pool is ready for anybody brave enough to bring a bikini or speedo. I've mixed up a nice Cosmopolitan Punch and we'll have an assortment of yummy dishes to try. Sweet tea for those who don't want a kick to their beverage. My best in the world Red Velvet Cake and likewise Banana Pudding are ready for those with a sweet tooth.
Wish you were here to join us!!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
COLLEAGUES: "Keep Calm and Carry On"---PLEASE, at least TRY!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Life of a Southern Belle Award - TWIRL and TASTE

Lightning Bugs, Magnolias, Rhett Butler, Mint Tea, Pimento Cheese and Buttermilk Pie
What Southern Women Know and Love