Saturday, May 21, 2011

An Italian Feast...Lowcountry Style

Is is bad to be completely and utterly envious of one's child?  The child, Lorelai, who was in Venice yesterday and Verona today?  Who will be in Paris and London in a couple of weeks?  I mean...I've been there.  Paris twice. (Actually, this will be her second trip to Paris too.) I'm jealous. It looks like she's having more fun than we did. (Maybe because the first time Hank and I were young and poor. The second time we took an 8 year old and 12 year old.)

We're having friends over tonight for an Italian Feast a la Lowcountry. This means pickled okra in the antipasto platter and sweet tea.

Hope you'll enjoy a few photos of Lorelai's trip so far.  Hopefully tonight we'll see a few from Venice and Verona.


  1. I very often say that in my next life I'm coming back as one of my kids because they get to do everything!

  2. I don't blame you at all for being jealous! Looks like she's having fun. Enjoy your meal tonight.


  3. Looks like shes having a rough time :) Someones gotta do it, right? I am jealous funny becuase I have a joke with my kids that when I come back in my next life, I say I want to come back as them....they lead quite the life!
    Glad to see shes having a ball...what an experience she is getting!

  4. So glad she's enjoying every moment of her trip!



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