Sunday, May 31, 2009
Reality TV--Jon and Kate Plus Eight
I have never watched Jon and Kate Plus Eight. Last weekend there was nothing on that interested me but there WAS a J and KPE marathon so I tuned in, having seen some tabloid reports of unhappy things going on. THAT led me to watch the first episode of the new season last week. I was curious.
I surely hope that I don't offend any fans of the show...BUT...If those two parents don't put a HALT to the taping of the show right now, well, I just don't know what to say about their abilities to determine what is appropriate parenting. It would seem to me that the last thing those poor children need right now are television cameras and photographers in their faces, not ONLY at home but everywhere else they go...Target, for example, to buy birthday party decorations, while Kate complains the entire time about "having to do all of this by myself...but I will...because I love my kids." And Jon sits around like a bump on a log talking about how much HE loves HIS kids. Who the heck are they trying to convince...I certainly HOPE they love their kids. As a matter of fact, it never occurred to me that they wouldn't...why in the world did they have to keep saying it over and over and over. It just hit me ALL wrong.
Face it...few of us lead perfect lives or have perfect families (does ANYBODY??), but this seems to have gotten out of my opinion, that is. I'm sure the show DID start as a way to chronicle the goings and doings of an unusual family dynamic, but a good idea today is not necessarily a good idea tomorrow.
So who agrees with me? Who DOESN'T agree...I want to hear from everybody.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Lily's Husband Buys a Boat
Michael is one of those guys that the exclamation "oh my goodness, boys and their toys" applies to very well. No sooner did the family sell two jet skis than Michael caught a BAD case of boat fever.
He looked around all last week and found just the right boat. On Friday morning, he went to the bank to get a check to take to purchase the boat. (It's important to mention right about now that Lily handles all of the bank accounts and paying of the bills.) Michael walks up to the teller (remember we live in a small town where everybody knows everybody's business) and says, OK...I'm here to get the check to buy my boat...what do I need to do? The teller looked up from what she was doing and hesitated for just a split second. Before she could speak, Michael said, OH...I promise it's alright. Lily knows ALL about it and she said I could!
You can't make this stuff up...I'm starting to think I need my own reality show.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Three Quotation Thursday
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
I wonder why that is?
"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself. "
Mark Twain
Isn't it a shame? Of course we can't lump EVERY member of congress into the idiot category but it seems like we hardly ever hear anything positive.
"I really didn't say everything I said. "
Yogi Berra
Remember I mentioned that we are having a reorganization at work? It's still going on and rumors are FLYING. Good heavens, it can't ALL be true. I heard four different things today about one individual. My mantra is to "keep calm and carry on" but honestly...I'm going to have to start doing SOMETHING to amuse myself and my colleagues...people are getting more distressed as days go by. I'm thinking of going with a sticky note system (thanks Susan S.) to write down each individual rumor, color coded by person, to see just how ridiculous things become before everything plays out. What do you think?
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
My Kind of Busy...

We were busy reading......... I highly recommend both of these books. The Kathryn Wall books are a series featuring her super sleuth Bay Tanner of Beaufort and Hilton Head. We started with her first book, "In For a Penny" and just purchased "Covenant Hill" at the Beaufort Bookstore on Saturday. Hank and I have both enjoyed all of them.

While we read and relaxed we took a few little tibbles ( I don't know if that's a word or not...) of Maker's Mark Mint Juleps. This premix is AMAZING...I'm told that it will only be sold during Triple Crown season so it won't be available anymore after the Belmont Stakes on June 6. I'm going to need to stock up because I don't ever intend to make a julep from scratch again.

Hope that you and yours had an opportunity to relax a little over the holiday weekend! Summertime is upon us....and the living is easy (or at least it OUGHT to be!)
Friday, May 22, 2009
It's FRIDAY!!!!!
Didn't lose any weight this week but I didn't gain. I'm thankful for not gaining. I did a TON of stress eating this week. Next week will be better.
Hank and I are BUSYBUSYBUSY this holiday weekend. So much to do and so little time.
I'll see you in blogland in a couple of days!
Have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Three Quotation Thursday
Chuck Palahniuk (from Wikipedia....Charles Michael "Chuck" Palahniuk (pronounced /ˈpɑːlənɪk/;[1] born February 21, 1962) is an American transgressional fiction novelist and freelance journalist. He is best known for the award-winning novel Fight Club, which was later made into a film.)
I got to thinking about Chuck's words. (Chuck, who I have never heard of before which is why I included the wiki blurb just in case you hadn't heard of him either.) Mother tells me I act like Aunt Zoie, and I do indeed have a lot of her qualities. Sometimes I feel like I'm channeling Mother, which scares the you know what out of me. I have my daddy's simmers for a long long time and then KAPOW. I quite often consider Miss Peggy before I make a move and my maternal grandmama and her commitment to her family. Hank has probably had the greatest influence and I suppose I've influenced him too. Not to mention pastors and school teachers and friends. Then there are the people from whom I've learned what NOT to do. I guess I disagree with Chuck a little bit though, because while all those people have influenced the person I've become, I DO like to think of myself as an ORIGINAL!!
"Some days you're a bug, some days you're a windshield." Price Cobb (from Wikipedia...Price Cobb (born December 10, 1954) won the 1990 24 Hours of Le Mans together with John Nielsen and Martin Brundle in a Jaguar XJR-12. He also owned an Indy Racing League team in 1998 and 1999 for Roberto Guerrero and Jim Guthrie. He also has authored a number of books on auto racing.)
Didn't know this guy either but I definitely agree. I've nothing more to add... -------------------------------------------------------------------
"There is no such thing as "fun for the whole family." - Jerry Seinfeld
We used to be able to occasionally come up with things all four of us could agree on, but here lately...forget it. On a good day, two of us can agree, but all four of us...forget about it. It AIN'T gonna happen. From television shows, to where to go for dinner....heaven forbid a vacation.
How does it work at your house??
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Idol Finale
And Simon....BUTTON UP YOUR SHIRT! Good GRIEF man...give us a break!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Hank's Shrimp and Grits

SHRIMP AND GRITS (use whatever kind of grits you prefer...stone ground are our favorites, made with lots of heavy cream and butter. Plain old "quick" grits will work too. Throw some cheese in if you want)

Fry bacon and set aside. Brown onion and pepper in bacon grease. When onion is translucent, add shrimp; turn several times with onion and pepper. Add enough of the water/wine to make a sauce--about one cup. Do NOT cover shrimp with water or the whole dish will be bland. Simmer 2 or 3 minutes and thicken with flour and a little water made into a paste. Add salt and pepper to taste, Worcestershire sauce and ketchup. Cook slowly until sauce thickens. Serve over grits. Serves 4-6
Shrimp and Grits
It's a rainy Monday morning...Hope everybody has a good day!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I'm Rambling Again...
The contract thing worked out well for me, but at the last minute, my next door office neighbor got bad news. Her job was eliminated and her only option is to go back into a classroom. My two office doors over neighbor still has a job, but not the one she had before. It was unsettling for all of us, and once again, those of us who were not voted off the island are feeling incredible relief and extraordinary guilt. It's very difficult to know what to say to our friends...
Lorelai went to visit Hanks' mother last night and accompanied her to the local Relay for Life.
Hank and I stayed home, ate shrimp and grits, and watched the season finale of LOST.
Legare finished up his first week of work in Chapel Hill but is bored out of his mind. His friends have mostly scattered for the summer. The boy needs a hobby...everything for him has to have a noble purpose. He reads all the time, but hardly ever just for pleasure. We never could interest him in collecting anything. I told him that he should expand his repertoire of what he knows how to Habitat for Humanity or any other organization and volunteer. He could start watching LOST on DVD from the first season...
Speaking of LOST...Is anybody else out there saying, GOOD GRIEF!!! How can there be a living John Locke and a dead John Locke all at the same time? Is the living one supposed to be the guy who was sitting on the beach with Jacob as the episode began? If the dude Jacob has been alive for years and years and more years and didn't age, how could Ben kill him? Gracious Goodness Me!
Mother and Ned are still happy as can be. We saw them last Sunday and haven't heard a peep all week. Life is good!
So, what have you been doing??
Friday, May 15, 2009
Friday Facts
Today is May 15 and is the day that they MUST give us our contracts for next year. It is 11:54 PM and I have not seen said contract.
I am screaming inside my head.
That's all I have to say!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Three Quotation Thursday
You cannot be mad at somebody who makes you laugh - it's as simple as that.
Jay Leno
I started thinking about the people who make me laugh as opposed to those who don't. This is kind of true in my life. I might get ANNOYED but I never truly get full blown mad. I got perturbed with somebody the other day and now I realize that I don't find one single thing amusing about that person. Nothing...nada...
Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.
Lord Byron
Ain't this the gospel truth? Laughter always makes me feel better. Seems like great big belly laughs don't occur as much as they used to. I wonder why? A great big belly laugh feels SO good...
Thou should eat to live; not live to eat.
This quote seemed especially appropriate this week. Friday is weigh in day. (Thanks, friends for the advice about a small piece of dark chocolate...IT WORKS!!!)
Monday, May 11, 2009
Weight Watchers Day One
I got up this morning ready to go...ate my Special K (dry cereal 2 points) breakfast, drank my black coffee and headed out to work with great energy and enthusiasm. Two people commented on the pep in my step as I bounced up the stairs. My secretary, Lily, always appreciates it when I forewarn her about my new projects, be they exercise or diet or yoga or whatever, so I told her first thing about the new life plan for losing the 20 pounds I've gained. We made some coffee and got to work.
The morning flew by...busy little bees were we. I was still feeling pretty energetic at lunchtime so I took my coupons and sale papers and ran to the grocery store, then home to eat a Lean Cuisine. Delicious...some kind of BBQ chicken pizza (7 points) and an apple (1 point).
I bounced back into the office about 12:45 pm and got right back to work.
About 2:00, things started going downhill. The pep in my step and every bit of willpower

Bill, the coffee guy, was standing there at the window when I drove up. I don't know what Lily told him but his hands were shaking just a little bit as he said, I'm SORRY, we're out of large cups!!!! Bless his heart, he had filled that medium sized cup up as full as he possibly could.
I got back to work with my coffee and retreated to my little corner to shake off the "I need chocolate right now" twitches. As I walked by Lily's desk, my colleague Susan was asking about the fax machine and the fact that it was blinking automatic redial...she wanted to know what it meant. I chimed in...It means that you're in the seventh circle of fax machine HELL...that's what it means. It's going to dial and dial and dial and dial and never EVER connect. NEVER!
Lily followed me to my office and asked...What in the world happened between the time I left for lunch and now? You were in such a good mood! Do you need chocolate?
Another colleague, Barbara, helpful as ever, offered to go find me some offer that Lily quickly REFUSED on my behalf. NO...absolutely not...Belle cannot have any chocolate. We just have to hang in here for three days. She will fine after three days. We've been through this before. It will pass in THREE DAYS!
I'm not sure who she was trying to or herself. But you have to admit...I'm a lucky belle to have Lily watching out for me!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
I decided against dressing like Paula Abdul...
It was a fabulous day. We saw a group of VERY talented students...I can't begin to tell you how much fun I had. The program will open with ninth graders and build each year until 2012-13 when it will be at capacity with 360 students in grades 9-12.
It pains me to say that I have unfortunately put on a few pounds since last year this time. When the trainer quit last November, I took that as a sign for ME to quit and I haven't been back to the gym. I ate like a crazy person while we were moving Mother and Ned all of that off with the recent upheaval at work and if I have to be honest, a "few pounds" is more like 20. I was so proud last year when I lost 20's embarrassing to admit that I've lost control.
Now that I've confessed, I'm going to do something about it. I'm going to give Weight Watchers a whirl starting tomorrow. Telling you my weight is NOT an option, but I am going to use the blog as an accountability tool. Fridays will be the day I report pounds lost. I won't go overboard, I promise but dang...I've GOT to do something. I'm not even going to show any Mother's Day photos of me because the dress I wore added at least another ten pounds in the pictures. I'm getting RID of that dress.
More on Mother's Day later...
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Anyhow...a few minutes after I arrived, Adeline said, "Your mother tells me that you work in immigration." Now I KNOW good and well that mother knows I work for the school system but she sat right there and didn't say a word, so I replied, "No ma'am, I'm in EDUCATION...I work for Coastal County Schools. Adeline continued, "See that man over there in the red shirt...his daughter works in immigration up in Columbia...You probably know her. Her name is Karen. Go over and ask about her."
Now I didn't want to be disrespectful but NO WAY was I going over there and ask this man about his lovely daughter Karen who I might perhaps know IF I worked in immigration. "Miss Adeline," I said, "I'd hate to interrupt his dinner...I'll be sure to talk with him next time." She let me off the hook. Mother never said a word.
If the whole education thing doesn't work out.....Immigration, here I come!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
A pair of these planters on my front porch would make me SO happy...VERY VERY HAPPY!
Isn't this the prettiest vintage file folder you ever did see?

I added the books box below as an afterthought. It opens for storage and would be useful AND be just the right accessory for the coffee table in my living room. I love the color.

Sunday, May 3, 2009
A Southern Belle Does Derby Day By Way of Hell Hole Swamp

Saturday, May 2, 2009
Pictures of Our Friends' Beautiful Home
All children are grown and gone and the grandchild, nieces and nephews live away. This house...let me tell dust, no clutter. Ahhh....bliss!
One of the couple has lived all over the world in the past 20 years. He's a Charleston boy and a great college friend of Hanks. He was in our wedding and was brave enough to let us stay with him about ten years ago when we and our then young children traveled to Europe. He was in Brussels at that time. We stayed there a few days, then he went with us to Paris for a few days, then we dropped him back off in Brussels and headed for Amsterdam. Later he moved to Paris and stayed there several years. Prior to the Europe years, he was in Africa.
Above left and the next two photos below are of what I supposed you'd call the great room. They also have a living room as well as a den. For some reason I didn't get a picture of the living room. There are orchids all over the house.
Two Views of the from the foyer and the other from the great room. You can see that Hank was checking everything out while I was playing photographer.
The Breakfast Room and the Den
--------------------------------------------------------------- There was something of a shopping spree right before the move back to DC from Paris and this lovely console and the two lamps were purchased. Also the smaller chest in the second photo. There are several other pieces as well. -------------------------------------------------------- Several of the guests who were invited to the dinner party on Saturday evening are members of a car club and they drove their refurbished prize-winning cars over. Hank was bitten by the car bug. It appears that he is going "vvrrrrrooooommmmm vvrrrrrooooooooommmmm" but thank goodness he stopped short of that. Here's a funny little reflection that I had. You'll notice that on the other side of the car that Hank is sitting in is an honest to goodness incredible, immaculate, and very expensive Bentley. Nobody...not one single person was oooh-ing or ah-ing over the Bentley, but they were all over the older cars.
Hope you enjoyed the tour!!