Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What I Did...

Looky here...I find myself not able to report to work until around 11:00 AM because of a weather delay.  I write "not able to report" rather than "not reporting" because I WANT to be at work.  Crazy isn't it, but I've done all that I can do from home.  I need to be in my office. If I had a mac daddy copy machine here at home it wouldn't be so bad...an assistant wouldn't hurt any either.  Most of my fellow principals are probably in their offices already this morning.  Because my school is located on the campus of the community college, I don't have a key to the building. 

Yesterday, I was looking for things to do. Don't get me wrong, I could have cleaned out closets and cabinets but, well...NO!  I had the news on all morning and there were at least two segments on the number that stress hormones do on our bodies. It freaked me out just a little bit. So, I ended up:

Taking a nap;
Reading blogs;
Downloading IPad apps;
Making a delicious crab quiche; and,
Watching most of the BIG game...WAAAAAAAAAR EEEEEEEEEGLE!!!

The power went out while the quiche was in the oven but it was almost done so no harm, no foul. Hank built a lovely fire to keep us warm until the lights came back on. 

I believe I'll go get myself together and just check to see if the building is unlocked...if not, I can run a few errands.

Hope that you have a nice, warm, LOW stress hormone kind of day!  Thanks for those good wishes on my 500 post milestone.


  1. Cngrats on 500 post! Be careful out there.I doubt we'll go back to school before Thursday...so long Spring Break!

  2. Congrats on your 500th post! Enjoy your snow day!

  3. Well, did you get in or run the errands?

    Your crab quiche sounded so good. Congrats on Auburn's win.


  4. Hope that you made it in safely today. Our roads were in terrible shape today, so I worked from home. Thank goodness for email, internet, and laptops!

    Your crab quiche sounds delicious.

    Congrats on your 500th post!

  5. Monday and today - regular amount of stress. I plan tomorrow to have an easier quieter day! Glad you had fun, hope you have a good evening!

  6. Haven't worked yet this week and no school again tomorrow. I'm ready to get back in it, too! :-) xoxo

  7. We were out the past two days and I am so ready to o back!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Congrats on your 500th post! Hope you can get back to work soon. Our kids here have not had school all week. Enjoy the rest of your week. Love & blessings from NC!

  10. i left something for you over on my blog:


    ~ PLD

  11. Hi! Good to catch up with you Belle!

    I am glad you are avoiding those darn stress hormones. good job.

    Be safe in all of that crazy weather and happy 500th!



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