Sunday, February 27, 2011

I'm Falling Back into the Bad Blogger Category again...(heavy heavy sigh!)

The past two weeks have been nothing short of the most frustrating work weeks I have ever experienced.  I can't go into details...just let it suffice to say that it's all about every member of the "community" doing his or her part.  When I have to put my tasks on hold to deal with things that I should never have to deal with...well...many of you have been there. Work takes over your life.  The buck stops with me. Taking two graduate classes on top of a rigorous work schedule isn't helping. And I don't have anybody to vent to.  Can only go so far on the blog.  Hank listens just fine but since we don't work in the same field it's hard for him to sympathize, although he said at least three times last week, "I'm worried about you..."

New school with a lot to know me, I want to be superwoman. 

Unfortunately, superwoman has trouble finding time to blog, much less read other blogs!  Spring Break is coming up soon.  I'm holding on...


  1. Oh God Bless. Sometimes real life and work can seem totally over bearing. Hang in there. You don't have to be superwoman. Hugs, Marty

  2. I know how you feel. Sometimes you just need to vent and let it all go. I'd offer to let you vent to me but you don't know me. LOL. During such times I remember what your sidebar says: you've got to be a "steel magnolia". As my momma always said: this too shall pass.
    Sending sunshine and smiles your way.

  3. What are your spring break plans? One of the parts of my job that is difficult - not another person doing it, so no one to commiserate with or to even understand my daily challenges. Call me!! xoxo

  4. You have got a LOT on your plate right now, and I am impressed with your ability to deal with it. Spring break will be here before you know it. I hope that you get the chance to unwind and recharge. Although being in administration, you probably will have things to do even then. Try to let it go for at least a little bit and take some time for YOU. Hugs, Kat (I know, I know, kettle, pot, black...)

  5. Sometimes holding on is the only thing you can do! I posted a quote today that you may like. John Ortberg said "peace doesn't come from finding a lake with no storms. It comes from having Jesus in the boat."

    Hold on friend and count down the days till Spring Break!

  6. Hang in there! I too am eagerly awaiting Spring Break the end of next week.

  7. Oh Belle, I can totally relate! "Issues" at school, and can't feel like I can share with my blog friends. If you need a fellow educator to vent to, I'm here!

  8. Sometimes LIFE gets in the way of our fun, right?!

    Hope things improve soon so you, my friend, can have some fun.


  9. good luck with everything! you can do it!

  10. I am a high school counselor and sometimes the job is so overwhelming. My husband does not work in education and tries really hard to be compassionate and listen to me when I need to vent. But, sometimes the only thing that works is calling up a friend in education who can understand the situation and offer me some perspective. Hang in there!

  11. It sounds most unpleasant Miss Belle, I'm sorry. And I know that sense of having someone who loves you be caring & concerned, but not able to fully "get it," for lack of a better term.

    I hope it gets better, and am sending you a hug,

    PS: Don't *even* think about not blogging, silly goose, you need to focus your energies on you and those you love. :)

  12. I know exactly what you are going through...

  13. I am in the same boat. Work is consuming me!!! That's why I am on a virtual vacation! Come with!


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