Monday, October 20, 2008

A Funny!

Had a few minutes to blog between my meeting and dinner. OH..on the bloglist question...I've moved everything over to Google Reader. It combines the ones I'm following with the others I want to subscribe to (so I don't know, really, what the difference is between Reader and Follower but OH WELL!)

Here's the FUNNY....On Facebook the other day, I saw that an acquaintance had updated his status with the following about his two year old daughter...

"Robert is thrilled to realize that when he heard Hope saying 'crap crap crap' what she really meant was 'clap clap clap'."

I've been laughing about that for about five days now!


  1. That is funny - kids are funny!

    Have a good evening - Kellan

  2. Now that is funny! HA I love it. I can totally relate to this friend!

    And by the way, you have gotten a bazillion blogging awards! Congrats! Thanks for stopping by mine. I'm a little lame lately due to tonsil surgery and a little girl turning one. Man, I am too busy and need more blogging time.

    Also--if you haven't read her yet, read anything by Jodi Picoult. She is amazing!

  3. How cute, Belle ... Our little three-year old granddaughter says, "Cwap, Cwap, Cwap!" ... lol

  4. LOL, Great Facebook story! I'll be laughing about it for a while!

  5. So funny! Kids say the funniest things!

  6. LOL! Love Facebook (mostly)!! Do people really have 200 friends?? I always wonder when I see this!


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