Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bizarro World

What is this bizarro world that I find myself in??

We had a good day...everybody was pleasant and cooperative.

We moved mother's bedroom and living room furniture today. Took all the photos and artwork down. Dismantled Ned's room. Moved books and photo albums and all manner of doodads...lots of clothing and shoes too.

Drove an hour and reassembled the rooms in the new location.

As we drove home 12 hours after we started, we got a call from mother. "I'm not ready...I'm not packed. I can't be ready for two weeks. Don't come for me tomorrow. I won't be ready for two weeks. Why didn't you tell me we were going tomorrow?"

I know you think I'm making this stuff up. I WISH I was making this stuff up.

We're picking them up at 10:00 in the morning. Pray more!!


  1. Girl, I feel for you. Good luck! I'll keep my fingers crossed that things go well.

  2. Your family is definitely in my thoughts & prayers. Hope all goes well tomorrow!

  3. Just when you thought it was safe . . . I was wondering how today went, and will definitely pray even harder! Kathy

  4. prayers coming your way sister! good luck!

  5. Oh, my friend! I'm trying to catch up on the blogs for the past few days and just read yours...

    I am so sorry that your mom is still being difficult about this move. My prayer is that once she and Ned are settled in, she will be more receptive to it all! If she is like my mother, it's the "independence" thing that we have the most challenges...

    Prayers for you and your family!


  6. Hang in there! You know you're doing the right thing.

  7. You're an angel. While there are so many difficulties at this moment and I suspect a few more hysterical phone calls to come, in the end everyone will be happier. And you will have the peace of mind you deserve. Hang in there kid! Everyone is sending all their good thoughts :-)

  8. You've moved mountains, just hang in there, she's almost moved! ♥ Diane

  9. OK my friend you have mucho good thoughts and prayers coming your way! This too shall pass. Brighter days ahead - I could go on and on, or I could just tell assure you - you are being a good daughter and a loving and supportive sister.

    During these stressful times, I have decided to put on my tennis shoes and walk - walk for people I love, walk for my heart, walk for or rather because of people who have hurt me - it will not only make my heart healthierand my head and my psyche and my soul healthier, but it will also make me shed (I have my fingers and chubby thighs crossed) a few lbs. Although in case of an emergency, I am keeping the pizza delivery number pinned inside my bra. Just in case I need to be revived.

    It will get better - always remember Spring Football Practice is not far away!!!! GO TIGERS

  10. Lifting you up in my know...I could hear my mama saying that and me going, "but mama," and my husband saying "it's okay"!


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