Thursday, August 14, 2008

Enjoying the Moment

We're counting down. Tomorrow afternoon we leave for Greenville, where we'll spend the night and drive on up to Clemson on Saturday morning for the BIG DAY! If we haven't bought it I don't think they make it (yet I fret that we've forgotten something). I'm pooped!

I got to work this morning and said, "OK...I'm done here, see you on Monday" and left. Imagine life being more important than work...novel idea. Why do we wear ourselves slap out at work so that we're too tired to enjoy the sweeter moments in our lives...moving a child to college is a major milestone. I want to be rested so that we can enjoy the experience, not so tired and stressed that we spend the day snapping at each other. I'm proud of myself for walking away (to take vacation time that's mine to start with...go figure) so that I can enjoy the next couple of days.

Lorelai is ready...Hank and I are as ready as we're gonna get. GO TIGERS!


  1. Good luck! Have a great weekend together. Can't wait to hear how everything went.

  2. Good luck.
    Don't get too emotional it just makes it harder for her.
    And remember she will be back before you know it.
    You might think you have gotten rid of us but we always come back for more-- money that is :-)

  3. YES - a BIG day and very exciting. Be safe and take care - Kellan

  4. Hubby is a Clemson grad! And we both grew up in a little town very close to Clemson!
    So glad your daughter has taste! ;)

  5. Best of luck to you - I know only too well how hard it is letting go. I have 2 boys in college!

    username: mcc
    password: lulubelle

  6. Have a safe trip and Enjoy your time away.

  7. I'm heading out for the weekend too, and I'm getting nothing done at work. Hope you have a great weekend! And thanks for visiting my blog!

  8. Oh my the milestones in life. Hope you have a safe trip and cherish each moment! Have a happy weekend. btw,I will inlcude you in my blogroll, I hope that's OK.

  9. I just wanted to say HI! Thanks for droppin' by. Come over any time for a visit! I wanted you to know that your daughter's name is one of my MOST favorite! It is beautiful!!

  10. I hope everything goes well. What a big milestone! Good luck!


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