Saturday, January 4, 2014

What has happened to my brain?

(Case in'll see what I men when you finish reading the post...I forgot to come back and hit the publish button after I wrote yesterday morning...In the meantime...our Clemson Tigers won the BCS Discover Orange Bowl. For this...I am thankful!!  The game was so exciting that it was 2:00 a.m. before we got to sleep...anyhow...)
When I turned 52 in October, my brain turned to mush. I'm blaming it on menopause.

For instance, when Living in the Lowcountry suggested that I utilize Bloglovin in place of the long gone Google Reader, I immediately clicked over to Bloglovin. There, sitting, waiting for my reading pleasure, were all of my blogs from Reader. Apparently, I set up the account and completely forgot about it.

As we were trying to get on the road for an overnight trip to a wedding on New Year's Eve, I had to come back in the house five....FIVE...times because I kept thinking of things I thought I'd forgotten. Most of the things turned out to be in my bag in the car.

I only took THREE pictures on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Totally forgot to take my camera for the New Year's Eve celebration.

And I weep...not full blown crying...weeping...A LOT.  My eyes fill up with tears because I'm happy, sad, angry...because I see a cute kitty cat on Pinterest. I don't even LIKE cats! I let Lorelai's cat Sophie sit in my lap one night, all cozied up in a blanket.

I've fallen in love with Legare's dog, Bingley. I drove all the way to Charlotte a few weekends ago to BABYSIT THE DOG while Legare went out of town. I don't even LIKE dogs!  Over the holidays, I let him sit on the furniture and sleep on our bed. ON MY SIDE!!!

I'm seeing a theme I reinvent my blog the topic of the year just might be "hiding my crazy."


  1. Well, even though you had forgotten, so glad you found your blogs to read! :)
    I am several years younger, but recently have started the tearing up thing too! This is from someone who never cried about anything! I was starting to wonder of all those tears from the past had been bottled up and I was starting to leak! Definitely has to be hormones! UGH!
    I love how you are lovin' on the animals that you don't like! ;)

  2. Oh my, how I feel the almost-weepies (as I call it when the eyes fill up but no tears fall) and the forgetfulness! Sending you belated greetings of the New Year.


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